Forum Moderators requirements:
* We need people who know how to clean up the forum, make it good visible for all users/players;
* You must know how to string together posts/threads like move them to the right section;
* You need a strong knowledge about the game;
* You will need at least 15 post. (off topic section does not count only helpful posts);
* You have to be in this community for over 2 weeks.
* You have to be clean, no violations of any rules ingame or on forum.
Please leave a post with your application and the following info:
- Real Name:
- IGN (In Game Name):
- Level:
- Age:
- Country:
- Dekaron Game Experience:
- Experience on the position:
- Information about you (why should we choose you?):
- Ideas for our server:
* If you are selected to be part of the staff we will contact you by MSN / Yahoo /Skype and we will give you the necessary information for the [GM] | {MOD} | [DEV] account. *